
Monday 16 May 2011


This blog is an evidence for my BTEC Subsidiary Diploma course
at Cambridge Regional College

Monday 25 April 2011

Development in HCI

It is impressive how fast development in HCI have taken place over the last few years. The Development that is mostly recognised is how most of technology devices are getting smaller and more compact. For example, mobile phone and computer used to be very big but is now much smaller and easier to carry around. 

In the past, there was an operating system called MS DOS which uses CLE (Extended Command Line Editor) system so the only thing that appears on the screen was C:\ prompt. Therefore the only way that the user could interact with the computer is to type in command lines for the computer to function in the way they want (such as moving, renaming, deleting, creating new files and log in to the computer). Nowadays, there are many operating systems that provide the user with GUI (Graphic User Interface) which makes it much easier for the user to access to different programs. Therefore, GUI is one of HCI development that has made a big change to the world because computer is now accessible for almost anyone and not just computer experts who have knowledge of command lines and computer codes.

Macintosh OS
Few years later after introduction of GUI, the thing called WUI (Web User Interface) was invented. It allows interaction between human and computer via web browser and made it much easier for the user to access or input the all kinds of information.

There are also other developments such as 3D images which gives the user this pop out effect and realistic feeling to such images. 3D (stands for three dimensions) has been developed constantly every year since the first 3D film in the 1950s to the successful 3D film like Avatar in 2009.In fact, Sony has now invented 3D television that can be view without the need of E-D glasses (stands for eDimensional. It enabled us to view 3D images more vividly 3D). However, users have to sit perpendicular to the television screen to be able to see the footage in 3D. I believe that this can definitely be further developed into something that we human could gain a lot of benefit and entertainment from.
It is possible for E-D glasses to be developing into 3D contact lenses. 3D contact lenses could become very useful as well as make things easier for the viewer because with these contact lenses, the viewer should be able to turn their head into any angle and still see such footage in 3D. However, the viewer will have to make sure that they take of contact lenses before they driving as it could reduce half of the brightness of incoming light which can be very dangerous if you wear it while driving.
I believe development of 3D could make a huge impact on society as it gives us a great visual experience and because it could give us a great visual experience, it is currently being used to develop virtual reality (that could change our life forever) which we could use for education purpose to improve our productivity. This could also impact the economy as it will definitely create a lot more jobs for people, and because we could use it for education and research purpose to improve out productivity, we will gain more chance to get a good job and good paid. 3D television could also impact culture as it will increase the amount of electronic devices that needs to be recycles. Therefore, there will be more jobs available for people in developing countries (that e-waste take place).
Voice output or speech activate software has also been improve so that it is more accurate and the user no longer have to speck very slowly and make sure that there is a gap between each words they are saying. There are also other developme00nts that could improve usability such as thought input and virtual reality.
Thought input is another development of HCI that I believe could make a big change to us and disable people. Nowadays, it is quite hard to control thought output as the user will have to put in a lot of concentration and think command to a computer. However, I believe that it will soon be develop so that the thought recognition is more accurate and easier to use.

Friday 1 April 2011

Impact of HCI on Culture

Laptop is a portable computer that has become increasingly popular around the world because of its light weight that enabled us to take it anywhere. The reason that they are becoming very popular is not just because we can carry it with us anywhere but also because it makes working and communicating extremely easier. As long as there is internet access, people from different side of the world can easily communicate to each other and because there are a lot more translator websites (such as Google translator) there are no more barriers between people from different country to communicate.
Another positive impact of laptops on culture is that it brings different culture together. I have recently heard of ‘One Laptop per Child’ (OLPC) project that has been running by non-profit organisation in some developing countries. Their aim is to produce a low-cost computer for children in poorer countries. That is because they believe that access to laptops and internet could improve many children’s education as well as increasing their chance of living in a better, fuller life.

Mobile Phones
Mobile phones are a portable devices that can be used for a wide variety of task such as making a phone call, text/Short Message Service (SMS), Multimedia Message Service (MMS) as well as access to internet just like PC/laptops. However, in some poorer countries such as Africa still have very little access to mobile phone.
Does the difference in national culture impact on the buyer behaviour of consumers when purchasing a mobile phone?
In my opinion the differences between cultures does impact on the consumer’s behaviour when purchasing a mobile phone. According to research from the University of Surrey, United Kingdom, most of Thai consumers are emphasis on appearance/image and social acceptance while British consumers are emphasis on their own buying intention/self-direction. By looking at this result, it tells me the differences between these two cultures and how they might have been brought up.

Mobile entertainment

Mobile entertainment is any portable devices that we could use to entertain ourselves wherever we go. E.g. games on mobile phone, PSP, Nintendo DS, iPod and iPad which we often use for entertainment in such way such as watch movies, play games, go on internet, listening to music etc. We are now in a culture where most of people use these portable devices for entertaining purpose, the negative side of it is that people are now starting to become addicted to these devices which could become very distracting if they use it in a wrong place and at the wrong time.

Mobile computing

Mobile computing enabled us to use computer and stay connected when travelling. Laptops and Notebook are also classified as mobile computing because of its portability. Nowadays people in our culture are often travelling from one place to another all the time and there is no way that you will not see at least one person working on their laptop in the airport or a big train stations. Therefore, it is one of the things that made us more independent and productive than some of the other culture because we can now be working anywhere, anytime.

Domestic Appliances

The positive side Domestic appliances are that it made our life task much easier and save up a lot of our time. However, Domestic Appliances are often relying on technology. For example, electricity is needed for vacuum cleaner and microwave to function. Or even TV remote still need battery for it to work. This can be the down side of it because as people are become relying on these domestic appliances, it is not just the appliances that they will have to pay for, but also, their expensive electricity bill.
I also think that these Domestic Appliances nowadays made us people who live in a developing country (and have enough money to purchase different kinds of domestic appliances) becoming less productive and more dependable because it sometimes make things too easy for us that we are not bother to do or learn anything else. For example, we people from developing country are often amazed on how people from some poorer countries could live without some domestic appliances such as washing machine, oven, cooker, freezer, telephone. Some of us have no idea how we could cook food without the oven or the cooker when people from poorer country are attempting to find the way on how to do it. 

Games have had both negative and positive impact on culture. The positive impact is that it could improve our computer literacy as well as allows us to express ourselves in the game. However, games with violent content could make people becoming more aggressive (especially teen and children). Although online games enabled people from one culture to communicate to people from another culture through tournaments but I believe it could reduce face to face communication with people in their real life (such as friends and family) as video games are known as a piece of technology that can be very addictive. Therefore, game players are more likely to spend time in front of video games instead of socialising with their friends/ family or do something that is more productive such as doing their homework or read the book.

Deskilling work (Psychological and sociological impact)

Deskilling work is when robots and machine are used (often in manufacturing) instead of people. It is true that deskilling work requires less specialised as well as reduce cost. However, the negative impact on culture that it has is that it could make the employees feels like they are being left out which could lead to them being less productive and less motivated. Therefore they would no longer go for a further education to improve their skills because they believe that their job will be replaced with machine/robots anyway.  

Developing nations

HCI have had a huge impact on a developing nations. Over recent years, it gives more jobs for people who live in a poor country. For example, the process of e-waste usually takes place in a developing country like India. E-waste is a process of recycle different kinds of electronic devices and what people in developing country usually do is burn it into valuable metal and sells it.

“More jobs available for people in developing country” might sounds like a positive impact, but in my opinion, it is not worth it because it is a dangerous job (By burning these electronic devices with a dangerous chemical could cause pollution and serious health problem) with the pay that is extremely poor.

Monday 28 March 2011

Impact of HCI on Society

Human Computer Interface is making our life much easier. In today’s world, we can purchase variety of products by go into e-commerce website such as Tesco, eBay, Dell, Amazon etc. You can then buy anything you want without wasting your petrol but just a few click of your mouse. The following are variety of electronic devices that I considered impact the society. 
Mobile phones

Mobile phone is a very popular portable electronic device that has become a major source of communication for most of people from around the world. People only use it for making a phone call in the past but nowadays, it can be used in variety of ways such as taking pictures/video, internet, email, alarm clock etc.
This portable device has a huge impact on society as it changes the way we communicate. It has made communicating much easier because nowadays the ways we communicate is no longer limited to letters or face to face. Another positive impact of mobile phone is that it can become very useful in emergency positions such as fire or medical emergency. However, I also think that mobile phone can sometimes be very distracting especially to a student. There are many times I see student text each other during class, taking pictures/video, using internet not to mention cheating. Another negative impact of mobile phone on society is that most of people are using mobile phone when they are driving which definitely increases chance of car accident.

Games Controllers

Game controller is a device used to control a character/object in a video or computer game. Examples of game controllers are Joy stick, Trackball, Gamepad, Keyboard, Mouse etc.
Games controller enabled the user to interact with the game as well as other player. There is several different design, some even allow disabled gamers to enjoy playing their favourite games. Game controllers have an impacted on society because it increased popularity in gaming. Some people start playing games just because they are interested and fascinated by the game controller. Nowadays, the user can even use different parts of their body as a controller as Xbox has invented a new motion-sensing game controller like ‘Kinect’ as well as the steering wheel which added that realistic feeling to the game.

Changing rooms

Example of dressing room technology is Tweet Mirror. Tweet mirror enabled the user to take a snapshot of themselves in variety fashion products and compare it so they can see what suit them the best. If you still don’t know which one is the best, you can send those pictures to your friends via Email, MMS, Facebook or twitter so they can share their opinion with you. This allows us to interact and keep in touch with our friends. Therefore, if your friend is busy and can’t go shopping with you, you can always ask for their opinion of you in different outfits just like they are next to you.
Also, this technology is another good way of advertising the business because as the customers send their snapshot to their friends, the company logo will be in the snapshot.

Flexible phones

Flexible phone is a new innovation project which being explored by Nokia Research Centre in collaboration with the Cambridge Nano Science Centre in the United Kingdom. This device will enable flexible and transparent material. Therefore, we will no longer have to worry about dropping or sitting on our phone.  Flexible Phone could have a huge impact on society as it could replace several ‘fragile devices’ such as camera, video camera, watches/clock (as you can carry it on your wrist) , voice recorder etc. It could even help us save the electricity by its built-in solar absorption that can charge the device without the need of electric charger.

User friendliness/Improved usability

User friendliness and improved usability is the ability to try to make everything as easy as possible for the user. Examples of user friendly devices are touch screen and motion-sensing controller.  User friendliness and improved usability has impacted society because if the devices are easy to use, people in the society will become more effective with different kinds of electronic devices, even if they are not a computer expert. This could also impact disabled people as it enabled them to use variety of technology tools.

Touch screens

A touch screen is an electronic visual display. It allows us to interact directly with the display. Therefore, devices (that needs to be held) such as mouse, touchpad or keyboard are not needed.
A touch screen has a huge impact on society for the last 40 years from the first Elograph to today’s iPad, iPod touch and iPhone. Most of people believe that touchscreen is the easiest PC interface to use. Therefore, this could link to improved usability and user friendliness. "If the devices are easy to use, people will become more effective". Touch screen interface has also being used in developing Human Computer Interaction and other applications such as gaming, multimedia software, scientific applications etc.

Input/output devices

Examples of Input/output devices are printer, mouse, keyboard, microphone, speaker, monitors, external hard drive etc. We can now back-up, transfer and share data effectively using external hard drive or a flash drive.
Voice Input device such as microphone also impact society as we can use it with software such as Skype to call someone on a mobile phone as well as allow people with disability to interact with the computer as they can use microphone with voice output software that converts from speech into text.

Domestic appliance displays 

Examples of appliances with digital displays are microwave, dishwasher, washing machine etc. It usually contain a digital display which will convert data to be processed in the form that humans can easily understand/use. These data can be display in various display devices and may be in the form of letters, pictures or graphs. Domestic appliance display has impacted on society because it made it easier for us human to learn and interact with different types of electronic devices that could save up a lot of our time. Domestic displays also allow people with disabilities to use different types of appliance more efficiently and be able to help themselves and as they are able to help themselves without much help from anyone, it could give them the confident and make them feel more independent which could improve their productivity.

Remote Control

Remote control allows the user to operate a variety of electronic devices such as a stereo, TV or even control aeroplanes like drones from the distance which means there is less danger to the pilot. This type of remote control device impacted on the society because it gives people with disabilities an opportunity to apply as a pilot and control the aeroplane from thousands of miles away. Therefore, disabled people will no longer feel like they are being left behind from the society. Also, it is cheaper and more effective to make and run drones without the pilot.

Data logging

A data logger or data recorder is an electronic device that has the ability to collect and store data over time or in relation to location and the environment around it by its built-in sensor. Not only that you can use data logger for collect and store data but it can also be used to send data via cable or wireless. Data logging has enormous impact on the society as we often use it to record/store important data such as weather data (e.g. temperature, wind speed, solar radiation etc.), hydrographic data (e.g. water level, water depth etc.) and gas pressure.

Fly by wire

Fly by wire is a system used to control aeroplane which allows the aircraft to perform function without the pilot’s input. This technology is another technology which allows people with disability to fly the aeroplane, so even if the pilot is blind, he can still fly the plane safely using this electronic interface.  This would also give the public more confident about flying which leads to people not being afraid to learn how to fly an aeroplane or getting on an aeroplane.

Virtual reality

This technology is currently being developed and there is a high possibility that it could become reality. Virtual reality is an environment simulated by computer and is often provide a visual experience. Therefore, 3D movies are also counted as a virtual reality. Virtual reality has a huge impact on society as artificial environment can be very similar to the real world that some places even use it in simulations for pilot or combat training as it does not cost a lot and there is no danger. I believe that this technology will become even more powerful over time that we can use it for education and researching purpose.

Head up display

Head up display are commonly used in aeroplane but nowadays it has also been increasingly used in cars. Head up display is a transparent display that offers information to the user without them have to look away from their original view. So basically, the drivers will no longer need to look away from the road to get the information from the car dashboard display as every information they need (such as speed, speed limiter, petrol usage etc.) will be right in front of them (without cover up view from the front window, obviously).  If more and more people start to use head up display in their car, I personally think that it will have a huge impact on society because driving will become much safer as it helps the driver to focusing on what they are doing and be aware of the speed limit. Therefore, there is a possibility of reduced car accident death. In fact, head up display has already been built into mobile phone (such as iPhone and Android) to make it much more portable. However, relying on this type of technology too much might cause danger as the information might not always be correct.

Friday 11 March 2011

Impact of HCI on Economy

As almost everyone can now access to the internet, they can use it to shops online by going in to e-commerce website such as eBay, Amazon, Tesco etc. It also allows different companies to make a deal or talk about the business’s situation over the internet using video conference. Also, more industries mean more jobs available for people.
E-commerce website - E-commerce website has enabled us to shop online and made life much easier for people with disabilities and people who live in a place where there is no access to big shops. For example, if you live in a country side and there is no Tesco in your town, you can still access to Tesco’s website and purchase anything you want by just a few click of your mouse. 
Industries – The more in industry, the more jobs available for us. However, most industries preferred to have machinery that can work constantly without having a break than to employ people because it cost less as well as products that has been produced by machine are often more accurate.
Speed up inputs – Speed up input is a high technology devices and it is able to read data automatically such as barcodes then transfer it. I believe that speed up input is very useful in today’s world as it makes thing much easier and also quicker. E.g. if there is no speed up input devices in Tesco that can read that bar code which transfer the data and calculate the price, the speed of the processing will definitely be much slower.
Reduce Complexity of input – This will make driving much safer and more comfortable. For example, parking assistance can help you to park the car, some will help you to stay in the lane help you to maintain the certain speed and warn you when there might be danger. However, the disadvantage of it is that people won’t bother to practice themselves to drive better.
Increase automation – Increase automation can affect us because the organisation will no longer need a lot of people to work for them which leads to increasing amount of unemployed people. Therefore, economy loss money because people are unemployed and does not have enough money to spend on things.
Text reader – There are now many text to speech software available in the market. It can convert any text such as word document, webpage and email into spoken word. I believe that this type of software can be a benefit to verbal learners because they are a listener and learn most when they hear or read the information out load. Therefore, they could use text reader software to read out their class note and help them with their study. Not only that text reader enables us to improve our productivity but it also helps blind people to do things efficiently and that affect to economy because the more productive employer the company have the more profit they will earn.
Automatic judgement of output – Automatic judgement of output makes things easier for human as it help them to work faster and more efficient. Therefore, it will improve their productivity, and the more productive you are the more chance you have of getting a job.
Voice output – Voice output software is opposite to text reader software. Text reader converts from text into speech while voice output software converts from speech to text. Therefore, it will increase our productivity as well as enabled blind people to interact with the computer more efficiently
Thought input – Though input is very useful especially for disable people who cannot speak and can hardly move as it will increase their chance of getting a job and earn money for themselves. Without thought input, there is nothing much that they could do.
Mobile communication – Mobile is a powerful device of economic growth. It helps the government to fight poverty in poorer countries as it will bring us together through market, social and networks. Also, the mobile broadband and network are now create thousands of jobs and improve the productivity.

Friday 18 February 2011

How HCI has changed us and the way we live

No one is missing out including disability people. Disability people can now efficiently use many kinds of technologies. Some technologies even allowed disability people to fly a plane, and that technology is fly by wire. Fly by wire is a electronic interface which allows automatic signal sent by the aircraft’s computer to perform function without the pilot’s input. Therefore, even if the pilot is blind, he can still fly a plane using fly by wire.
There is a connection between technology and childhood obesity. In today’s world we have many electronic gadgets such as television and computer which have become very popular. Even though it makes out life much easier than before but the negative sides to it is that it is leaving us with a little time to enjoy the nature and the outdoor and does not seems to move that much as we are having our eyes glued to the computer and television screen.
Now a day people are becoming more addicted by technology especially portable technology which they can take with them anywhere. The result of it is people spend less time in socialising with their friends and family. Addiction to portable technology also causes more car accident as some people use it when they are driving.
Is it just too easy?
There is a possibility that technology could make us thicker as people now have many different gadgets that serves as their memory. Some people could not even be bothered to remember their phone number. However, it can prevent ‘information overload’ as there are many things for us to remember in our life such as our password (which is not a very good idea if we use the same password for everything), pin numbers, license plates, bank information etc.
Does it make us smarter?
I personally don’t think that new technologies make us any smarter or thicker. However, I think new technology allows us to learn more than ever before as we can now just go into Google and search for almost anything that we want to know about. I also believe that it allows us to reach our goal faster.